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Welcome To Angkor Wat Transportation  !!!

After several years of popular demand, we have also included the following transportation options for those who wish to have a private car and driver to assist them during their stay in Siem Reap. All transportation rates include the cost of fuel, parking tolls, and driver fees.

Daily Transportation Rates for Angkor wat temple tour:

To ensure your satisfaction, tour guides and/or drivers are only paid at the end of your tour with Angkor Tour Guides.

*Due to the long distances from Siem Reap, which may require traveling early in the morning until very late at night, please see the additional rates for driving to the following locations:

Sunrise Tours (Starting before sunrise) 10$
Banteay Srey 15$
Kbal Spean 30$
Beng Mealea 50$

Reserve Your Angkor Wat Transportation Here !




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